STAR RENT A CAR ® Huércal-Overa

Terms and Conditions of Rental


REUNIDOS, Landlord and tenant, whose data, date and time are indicated in the CONTRACT

Gathered on the date of the heading, they mutually recognize the necessary capacity to sign this CONTRACT AND LEASING CONDITIONS of the vehicle specified.


• That the lessor is authorized to assign the use of the vehicle whose description appears in the annex to this contract and is interested in leasing it.

• That the lessee is interested in renting said vehicle.

• That both parties have agreed to formalize in this document a rental contract for the aforementioned vehicle, which will be governed by the following clauses


• The lessor TAXI HUÉRCAL-OVERA S.L.U., under the commercial name Star Rent a Car, to the lessee the vehicle outlined in the contract, with the lessee taking responsibility for any responsibilities that may be incurred for the possession and use of the vehicle from the moment of delivery until it is returned to the Lessor.

• The lessee acknowledges that he or she has received the vehicle in perfect working order and cleanliness, with the bodywork, upholstery, tires, headlights and accessories in good condition of use, and the necessary documentation to drive with it. The lessee must precede the replacement of any element of the vehicle that is damaged or lost for reasons attributable to the Lessee and pay all amounts incurred by the Lessor that have derived directly from the use of the vehicle by the Lessee that are attributable to the latter. .

It is expressly prohibited for the Lessee to vary any technical characteristic of the vehicle, equipment or exterior and/or interior appearance, and in case of doing so, the Lessee must bear the costs of reconditioning the vehicle to its original state and pay an amount as compensation for immobilization of the vehicle. which is set at the daily rental price for the days that it is immobilized.


• The lessor declares that it has taken due precautions to avoid mechanical failures of the rented vehicle, but if these occur, it does not assume any responsibility for any damages that may be directly or indirectly caused to the Lessee as a consequence of said failures or breakdowns. In the event of not respecting the periodic inspections of the vehicle over time, mileage or at the request of Star Rent a Car, the vehicle may be immobilized due to the risk of breakdown or breakage, with the lessee being responsible.

• All clients and/or additional authorized drivers will be jointly responsible for all the client's obligations arising from the contract and the laws applicable to it.

• It will be the responsibility of the renter that any driver is in possession of a current and valid driving license. The pertinent data will be taken from both the lessee and the people designated by the lessee to drive the vehicle and copies of the driving license and identity document will be made to formalize the rental contract. This will be especially applicable when the authorities require the lessor to identify the driver who has committed an infraction. In the event that the driver's identification cannot be made, the renter will be responsible for paying any fine or sanction committed during the rental period.

• The lessee will be personally and jointly liable for the people who drive the vehicle during the rental.

• Only the person or persons identified and accepted by the Lessor in the rental contract are authorized to drive the Vehicle, provided that they are over 21 years of age, according to the Vehicle group indicated in the Current General Rate and are the owners and are in possession. valid driving license for at least two years. Only the following will be considered valid driving licenses in Spain:

- Those issued in accordance with current Spanish legislation.

- Those issued by the Member States of the European Union in accordance with community regulations.

- Those issued by other countries or of an international nature that were recognized as valid for the purposes of allowing driving in Spain. However, the validity of such permits will be conditional on them being in force and that their holder is of the required age in accordance with Spanish regulations to obtain the equivalent Spanish permit.

• The Lessor reserves the express right to deny the rental of the Vehicle in the event that the person indicated by the Lessee to drive the Vehicle does not duly prove that he or she is the holder of a valid driving license in force at the time of delivery. of this same to the Lessor in accordance with the provisions of the contract.

• The Lessee agrees to keep the vehicle closed when not using it and to keep its documents inside.

• When any of the warning lights that detect a vehicle operating anomaly illuminate on the instrument panel or when external signs indicating a breakdown or malfunction of the vehicle appear, the Lessee must stop the Vehicle as soon as possible and contact the Lessor or with the roadside assistance company arranged by the Lessor, and only with it. Charges for someone else's account of said Assistance Company will only be accepted in urgent cases and when the Lessor has expressly authorized them in writing.

• It will be the responsibility of the lessee to delete any data that may be recorded in the vehicle's navigation system (addresses, telephone links, etc.). The landlord is not obliged to remove it.

• The use of the vehicle is only permitted in the European Union with express authorization from Star Rent a Car

• Any damages of any kind that the Lessor may suffer due to serious non-compliance with the conditions set out in this article and/or due to use different from that agreed upon by the Lessee, authorize the Lessor to withdraw the Vehicle from the Lessee and to invoice and collect payment to This is the amounts resulting in accordance with the procedure and criteria of these General Conditions.

• The Lessee undertakes to drive the vehicle in accordance with the rules of the Highway Code and the specifications of use of the type of vehicle, being responsible for the amount of FINES for any violation of the current applicable legislation that the Lessee may incur. .

• Unless expressly authorized, the leased vehicle may only circulate within the area authorized in the contract.


• Push or tow any vehicle or any other object whether rolling or not.

• Driving the vehicle under the influence of alcohol or narcotics.

• The transport of goods that violate the law or legal provisions in force or for illegal purposes.

• Use or allow the rented vehicle to be used as a means or instrument for the commission of crimes, criminal proceedings, prohibited or simply sanctioned by law, assistance to criminals or protection, transport shelter of objects originating from crimes.

• Make modifications to the structure or mount a roof rack or luggage/goods on the roof, vary any technical characteristics of the vehicle, the keys, equipment, tools and/or accessories of the vehicle, as well as make any modification to its exterior appearance and/or inside

• Manipulate and/or unseal the odometer, and must notify the Star Rent a Car lessor of any fault in it. The mileage will be measured by the odometer or geolocation systems integrated into the vehicles if the odometer breaks


• The lessor will deliver and the lessee will receive the vehicle described in the contract in correct apparent state of operation, interior and exterior cleanliness, maintenance and sheet metal, without deficiencies, except for the observations that, if applicable, are made when receiving the vehicle in the own rental contract. In the event that any deficiencies not included in the rental contract itself or in its annex are found in the leased vehicle, it will be the lessee's obligation to notify the lessor's office where the rental contract was made and the vehicle is delivered. , before moving the vehicle from the rental office, so that said data is incorporated into the rental contract that will be delivered again to the lessee. At the time of delivery of the Vehicle, unrepaired damage must be reflected in the Rental Contract with the corresponding signatures of STAR RENT A CAR and the Lessee.

• At the end of the rental, at the time of the return of the Vehicle, any new minor damage that has occurred to the vehicle will be identified, in which case it will be expressly included in the rental contract and will be approved and signed by STAR RENT A CAR and the Lessee when possible. The Lessee will validate the new damages upon return of the vehicle by electronic signature or by signing the corresponding additional document to the rental contract. New minor damages will be charged to the Lessee.

• The lessee will receive the vehicle described in the contract with a copy of the complete documentation, as well as the vehicle key, tools and accessories, especially reflective vests and warning triangles and all its tires (including the spare), which which the lessee must check at the time of delivery of the vehicle at the beginning of the lease, notifying any deficiency at the rental office. The lessee undertakes to use the accessories diligently and to return them in the same condition in which they were delivered. In the case of non-return of the accessories at the end of the rental contract, the lessee must pay the lessor the value of the accessories not delivered, based on the charge as compensation for them reflected in the List of Additional Charges document.

• In the event of deterioration and/or loss of any of the tires (for reasons other than normal wear, poor assembly or manufacturing defect), the Lessee undertakes to replace them immediately, at their expense, with other tires of identical characteristics and same make and model, unless the deterioration and/or loss is the result of a traffic accident, theft or acts of vandalism.

• In the event of a violation of this point, STAR RENT A CAR will provide you with reliable notification of the damages caused, which will be determined through an expert opinion, as well as the amount of its repair. Likewise, the lessee will have the right to refute the expert opinion provided by STAR RENT A CAR through another expert opinion that proves that the damage has not been caused by their negligence or misuse of the vehicle.

• In the event of damage to the vehicle or accident, the client is obliged to notify the rental office immediately and in any case within 24 hours, as well as to complete an accident report, whether responsible or not, with or without identification of a third person and must send it, within a period of no more than 7 days, to the rental office.


If the client needs to collect the vehicle prior to the agreed date or time, said collection will in any case be subject to availability. The early return of the vehicle by the CLIENT, with respect to the period agreed upon in the reservation and in the subsequent rental contract, does not entitle the client to receive a refund of the prepaid amounts.

RENTING – In case of return before the scheduled date, the lessee will lose the right to the discount on the initially established rate, thus paying the amount of the corresponding standard rate price.


- The rental contract includes mandatory civil liability insurance, R.C. Complementary, legal defense and roadside assistance service, claim for damages and bodily accidents of the driver

- The Lessor is not responsible for non-compliance with the services provided for in this assistance, being the responsibility of the service provider.

- Contracting extra damage coverage: The lessee can contract additional damage coverage with prior payment of a supplement to the rental price, this coverage includes: damage to the vehicle (deductible from €300 to €600), Repair or replacement of windows (excess €200), Fire (excess €300 to €600 depending on vehicle category).


Cases in which the lessee's responsibility extends to the full amount of the repair:

- Any mishap caused by taking unnecessary risks.

- Cause or simulate an accident.

- Failure to provide the police report if one exists.

- Damage caused by unauthorized driver.

- Damage or accidents caused by not respecting the limits of the vehicle in accordance with the specifications of the vehicle documentation (such as number of passengers or maximum authorized load).

- Blows to high parts of the vehicle (for example, hood, roof, etc.).

- Blows to lower parts of the vehicle. (e.g. axles, differential, crankcase, gearbox, etc.).

- Frontal Blows (any range collision).

- Overturns and/or road departures.

- Fire, seizure or other damage resulting from leaving the vehicle idling.

- Damage caused by driving under the influence of drugs, alcohol, medications or fatigue.

- Damage due to driving in violation of road traffic regulations or in a negligent manner.

- Damage caused by a driver who was challenged by Star Rent a Car or who was not in possession of the corresponding driving license.

- The theft of the vehicle when it is found with the keys in it (serious negligence).

- Damage caused by inappropriate conduct, intentional or in the commission of any misdemeanor or crime.

- Improper fuel refueling.

- Theft of vehicle items (for example, catalysts, tools, spare tire, etc.)

- Damage to locks, upholstery and interior of the vehicle.

- Loss or breakage of keys or remote controls.


The lessee is responsible to the lessor for the charges derived from the failure to return the vehicle in the same state of operation, interior and exterior cleaning, maintenance and sheet metal as received at the time of delivery, as well as any damage that occurs to the vehicle. during the rental period, of the total or partial theft of the same and of the damages derived from contractual breaches, except for the limitations of liability and optional coverage that you have contracted in addition to what results from applying the legal provisions in force in matters not regulated in these general conditions.

If the limitations of liability set out in these General Conditions are contracted and an accident occurs, said limitations will not apply in the cases indicated below, in these cases the lessee will be liable in full for the damages caused:

- Damages and losses caused by him or by those people for whom he must respond

- In cases in which the lessee does not deliver the descriptive part of the accident and/or part of the friendly declaration or does so late or incomplete, or contains false facts and data in them.

- In case of omission of the duty to provide assistance or omission of the obligation to request the police presence provided for in the clauses, unless said damage had been caused without fraud or serious negligence on the part of the tenant.

- In the event that the cause of the damage is an unauthorized driver

- In the case of contravening the prohibitions of the express stipulations of these General Conditions

The repair charges for which the tenant must respond will be stipulated in the Damage Table, which will be available to the client at all times if requested. In case of disagreement, the repair charges will be calculated by the independent and official expert for this purpose selected by the lessor or by another expert chosen by mutual agreement of the parties. The amount thus determined, if applicable, the amount of the deductible will be claimed from the lessee along with the administrative charge for managing damage files and the amount of the photo-expertise, the amounts of which are reflected in the List of Additional Charges document. The tenant has the right to receive a copy of the appraisal. In the event that the cost cannot be determined in this way, it will be set by the repair shop's budget. The amount of compensation payable by the lessee for a total loss will be the market value prior to the expert examination of the vehicle when the event occurs. The lessor is entitled to claim consequential damage (including tow trucks, expert reports, legal costs, etc.) and lost profits due to the lack of availability of the vehicle. The maximum liability of the Lessee will be the market value of the vehicle, according to the maximum price established in the Ganvam guide in force at the time of the incident.


The fuel tank will be delivered to the customer in most cases FULL. In any case, the customer will have to return it with the same level of fuel with which it was removed. If the customer returns the vehicle with less fuel, they will be billed at the price of the service station closest to the rental office, in addition to an additional charge of €30 for the time of the Star staff. Rent a Car used to travel for refueling.

In vehicles equipped with AD Blue, the lessee is responsible for keeping the tank sufficiently full, and will be liable for any damages caused by failure to comply with this obligation by paying an additional charge.


In the event of an accident, theft, fire, damage caused by animals or the effects of nature and in general, in any case of damage, the renter or driver must notify the corresponding police or security body immediately, as well as do everything appropriate to protect the interests of the landlord. Informing the police of what happened will also be mandatory in the event of an accident due to one's own fault and/or without the intervention of third parties and especially when the vehicle is damaged.

immobilized or when continuing to drive will pose a danger to traffic safety. If it is not possible to contact the police, the renter or driver must go to notify the nearest police station.

Likewise, you must complete a descriptive accident report (Friendly Declaration), whether responsible or not and with or without the involvement of a third person.

When a crime is committed, if there are injuries and/or if the guilt of those involved should be investigated, it is the tenant's obligation to immediately report it to the police.

In the event of an accident with an opponent, the lessee must complete the Friendly Accident Declaration report and inform the lessor immediately and always within a period of no more than 24 hours, all the details of the accident, by means of a copy of the report, the original of which will be delivered. within a maximum period of 7 days at the rental office. If the opposite party refuses to sign a friendly declaration, the tenant must request police presence and collaboration and also deliver a copy of the corresponding statement to the landlord.

The Friendly Accident Declaration will be completed completely and with the maximum possible level of detail, both regarding the damages and the circumstances in which they occurred. The lessee is obliged to sign and collect the signature of the opponent, if any, on the Friendly Accident Declaration. If the opposite party refuses to sign, the lessee must request police presence “on site” to clarify the facts, since otherwise the lessee will be considered responsible for the accident, unless proven otherwise by the lessee. The lessee or driver must take all measures that are useful and convenient to clarify the incident. This includes in particular the duty to respond completely and truthfully to the lessor's questions relating to the circumstances of the accident and the duty not to leave the scene of the accident before the necessary and significant findings have been made. in particular, so that the lessor can assess the incident, as well as the duty not to prevent the lessor from making said findings. The lessee authorizes the lessor to request from the authority or security body in question a copy of the accident report or statement.

The accident or theft of the vehicle does not automatically imply an obligation on the lessor to make a replacement vehicle available to the lessee. In the event of theft of the vehicle, you must report the facts to the rental office, delivering the original of the police report within 24 hours of the incident, except in situations of force majeure and in any case, before the end of the rental period together with with the set of original keys of the vehicle, granting the lessor the right to terminate the contract, as well as to demand the immediate return of the vehicle. You will be required to pay the entire outstanding debt regardless of the previously agreed upon payment terms. The lessee must pay the market value of the vehicle and compensate the lessor for lost profits and damage.

emergent that will include costs, expert opinions and any other expense that may arise from the event.

The Lessee and persons authorized to drive the vehicle as provided in the ANNEX, participate in the civil liability insurance policy arranged by the Star Rent a Car lessor. The existence of injuries must be brought to the attention of the competent authorities. In the event of an accident, and whenever reasonably possible, the Lessee will not abandon the vehicle without taking appropriate measures to protect and safeguard it. In case of theft, the Tenant must file a report with the competent authority and send a copy to the Landlord. The Lessee may contact the Lessor at the telephone number 607 62 69 05, email address or tax address of the Lessor listed in the CONTRACT.


The STAR RENT A CAR Lessor assumes the normal mechanical wear and tear of the vehicle. The costs of maintenance and repair of breakdowns suffered by the vehicle during the rental period are the responsibility of the Lessor. In the event that it is necessary to carry out repair or maintenance, the Lessee must obtain authorization from the Lessor STAR RENT A CAR to carry it out and provide the corresponding invoice in the name of the Lessor for reimbursement.


Once it has expired, if the Lessee wants to keep the vehicle for a longer period than agreed in the contract, he must notify the lessor Star Rent a Car before the end of the contract, by mobile phone 607 626 905 or email and obtain authorization from the latter, as well as pay the corresponding amount that may be charged to the credit card number provided by the lessee in the ANNEX to the rental contract.

The duration of the rental will be as agreed in the contract and will be billed based on periods of 24 hours, counted from the time it was formalized. There is a courtesy period of 60 minutes, beyond which an additional day of rental will be billed according to the applicable price according to the Current General Rate. The Lessee agrees to return the Vehicle to the Lessor on the date, time and place agreed in the rental contract. Returning the vehicle to a location other than the one initially agreed upon may involve additional charges, in accordance with the Current General Rate. The rental is only considered finished once the vehicle and its keys have been delivered to the Lessor.

The rental price is the one expressed in the rental contract and is established based on the Current General Rate (with regard to services, taxes and insurance and/or optional exemptions) and the price agreed with the Lessee at the time of rental. the rent, according to the selected rate. This includes the cost of mandatory vehicle insurance and the complementary civil liability insurance and its corresponding taxes. It does not include the price of coverage and optional extras, the contracting of which by the Lessee, if applicable, must be expressly carried out, in which case the prices charged to the Lessee for such concepts will be added to the total rental price. In the event that there is a non-payment during the period of validity of the contract, the lessor may terminate it by informing the Lessee of his decision not to continue with the validity of this contract.

In no case can the amount guaranteed or paid at the beginning of the rental as a deposit be used to extend the rental. In the event that the Lessee wishes to keep the vehicle for a longer period of time than initially agreed, the Lessee undertakes to obtain prior written authorization from the Lessor and to immediately pay the amount of the additional deposit for said extension, being the price applicable to the rental extension period the one indicated in the Current General Rate.


The CLIENT can cancel the reservation taking into account the following information:

- Less than 48 hours before the rental start time selected by the client: penalty of 100% of the amount paid for the reservation

- At the time of requesting the vehicle, you will receive an email with the reservation details, pending confirmation of this by text message or by phone.

STAR RENT A CAR reserves the right to cancel the reservation before the delivery of the vehicle and/or to terminate the Contract early, with immediate effect and without any compensation to the client in this regard.

Star Rent a Car reserves the right to cancel the delivery of the vehicle in case of doubts about the client's financial capacity or solvency or due to the client's history of non-payments or serious incidents with Star Rent a Car. Likewise, it may reject the rental in case considering that the driver is intoxicated or affected by any other type of narcotics that may limit the driving of the vehicle

STAR RENT A CAR will keep the vehicle and the reservation conditions available to the client until 2 hours after the time agreed upon in the reservation. After this courtesy period, STAR RENT A CAR does not guarantee the availability of the vehicle or the conditions of the reservation. Failure to remove the vehicle within the indicated period will imply the full loss of the amount paid as a reservation.


To be responsible for the success and fulfillment of the obligations assumed by the Client, the Client must constitute a guarantee deposit or bond at the time of formalizing the rental contract. Said Guarantee deposit will be returned upon completion or extinction of the contract, once the correct condition of the vehicle has been verified and it has been verified that the client is up to date with the rest of the payments to which he is obliged, such as rentals, fuel and excesses. kilometres. In the event of defects or non-compliance with any of the payment obligations assumed by the Client, Taxi Huércal-Overa SLU will retain the amount delivered as a deposit up to the amount necessary to fully settle the debt. In no case will this deposit serve as payment for the extension of the rental contract. The customer can consult the table of deposits and excesses at any of the Star Rent a Car rental offices or at


• INCOMPLETE REFUELING: The fuel not refueled in the leased vehicle at the time of its return, as well as the costs of the refueling service for said fuel. €30 + fuel amount.

• INCORRECT REFUELING: The lessee will be obliged to pay the lessor the amount of the transfer and/or repair of damage to the vehicle caused by the use of inappropriate fuel as well as the amount of the new fuel refill + €30 for the new refueling service.

• FINES AND SANCTIONS: The amount corresponding to the fines for any violation of current legislation, especially the Highway Code, incurred by the Lessee in the use of the Vehicle, as well as surcharges for late payment by the Lessee. and the judicial or extrajudicial expenses incurred by the Lessor as a result of the foregoing. Likewise, the lessee will have to pay a certain amount for the management of fines.

• DUPLICATE / SHIPPING OF KEYS: The costs of obtaining a duplicate and/or sending the set of Vehicle keys to the corresponding office, in cases of loss, breakage, delivery of the Vehicle keys to an office other than the effective return of the vehicle, or any other situation in which the vehicle is paralyzed for reasons attributable to the Lessee. Likewise, the rental price corresponding to an extra day may be charged for the cost of the stoppage of the Vehicle caused in each case by any of the aforementioned incidents.

• LOSS OF ACCESSORIES AND TIRES: expenses for the replacement of lost or damaged accessories such as triangles, vests or tires.

• LOSS OF DOCUMENTATION: Charges for the replacement of the vehicle's documentation in the event of its disappearance (certified photocopy of the circulation permit, certified photocopy of the vehicle's technical data sheet and vehicle insurance/green card).

• SPECIAL OR EXTRAORDINARY CLEANING: Charges derived from the delivery of the vehicle in such a condition that special cleaning or the intervention of a cleaning company that performs extraordinary cleaning is necessary.

          - Normal cleaning: from €40 to €60

          - Smoking or extraordinary cleaning: from €60 to €150

• REPLACEMENT OF SIGNING: The charge for the replacement and placement of the lessor's advertising signage on cargo vehicles in which it has been damaged or eliminated during the rental period. (From 50 to 2.500€)

• SEIZURE OF THE VEHICLE: The expenses derived from the transfer due to seizure of the vehicle, as well as the corresponding administrative sanctions.

Payment of the amounts mentioned must be made by credit/debit card or in cash. When payment is made with a credit card domiciled in a bank account in a currency other than that of the EU States, the Lessor will issue the invoice in the currency of that bank account. All charges are subject to applicable tax. In Spain the taxes are: Peninsula and Balearic Islands: VAT 21%.


The leased vehicle is equipped with a satellite location system (GPS) which will be in operation throughout the duration of the contract, and whose manipulation is expressly prohibited to the lessee in all cases.

Any manipulation and/or incident detected by the lessor in the (GPS) of the leased vehicle will be cause for termination of the contract. The tenant will be obliged to compensate the Landlord for any damage that has occurred to the GPS system resulting from manipulation and/or incident.


The Star Rent a Car Lessee undertakes to comply with each and every one of these clauses and agrees that failure to comply with any of them will give rise to the Star Rent a Car Lessor to declare the lease terminated without the need for a prior request and/or notice. any part of this, the first being in charge of each and every one of the obligations that he has assumed with the signing of this document.

Both parties agree to submit to the courts of Huércal-Overa (Almería). And for the record, you sign this lease contract, in duplicate and for a single purpose, on the date and place indicated in the contract.


According to the provisions of article 60.1. of RDL 1/2007, it is reported that consumers may direct their complaints to any of our delegations. The client will find the different addresses, telephone numbers and emails in the CONTACT section of the website Taxi Huércal-Overa S.L.U makes the corresponding Claim Form model available to clients.

In any case, in case of doubts or complaints, you can contact our Customer Service as follows:

- By email to the address

- By postal mail: Star Rent a Car, Avda/ Felipe VI 43, 04600 Huércal-Overa, Almería

- By phone at +34 950 205 774 or mobile 607 626 905

Exclusion of the right of withdrawal: In accordance with article 103 section “l” of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, the Client does not have the right of withdrawal, that is, it is not possible for the Client to revoke his declaration of intention to enter into the rental contract.


Dear client, hereby and in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data (GDPR), we provide you with the following Detailed information on the processing of personal data:

- Responsible for the treatment: your data will become part of a file owned by Taxi Huércal-Overa S.L.U, with CIF/NIF number: B04903811 and tax address at: Avda. Felipe VI 43, 04600 - Huércal-Overa (Almeria).

- Purpose of the processing: develop and comply with the obligations provided for in the contract, or legal-business relationship, which links you to Taxi Huércal-Overa S.L.U.

- Data retention: your data will be kept for a minimum period of five years.

- Legitimation: the legitimacy for the collection of your data is based on the contract signed or on your legal-business relationship with Taxi Huércal-Overa S.L.U.

- Recipients: your data will not be transferred for purposes other than those described above, except legal obligation, although it may be transmitted to service providers who are linked by contract to the processing order with Taxi Huércal-Overa S.L.U.

- Rights: you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, limitation, portability and opposition to the processing of your data when certain circumstances arise, in which case they will only be kept for compliance with the legally established obligations.

To exercise the rights described above, you must contact Taxi Huércal-Overa S.L.U., with CIF/NIF number: B04903811 and registered office at: Avda. Felipe VI 43, 04600 - Huércal-Overa (Almeria).

Likewise, we inform you that the Spanish Data Protection Agency is the competent body responsible for the protection of these rights. In order to keep the data updated, the client must communicate any changes that occur to them.

I accept that STAR RENT A CAR sends me informative communications through e-mail, SMS, or instant messaging systems such as WhatsApp, with the aim of keeping me informed of the development of the activities of the contracted service.

I accept and expressly request the receipt of commercial communications electronically (e-mail, WhatsApp, SMS), from STAR RENT A CAR, about products, services, promotions and offers of interest to me.


This contract is formalized and signed in Spanish and is governed by Spanish regulations and jurisdiction. However, the lessor informs the undersigned lessee, in accordance with the provisions of article 38 of Law 16/1987, of Law 30 of July, on the regulation of land transportation, prior to the initiation of the service, its express desire not to submit to transportation arbitration boards. For any discrepancy or controversy

The lessee knows and accepts that the vehicle may carry a tracking device to be located using GPS signals. The vehicle may be tracked in the event of theft, robbery, misappropriation or any other event that is considered inappropriate use.


According to the provisions of article 60.1. d of RDL 1/2007, it is reported that the possible means of payment will be the following:

- Reservation through the web: credit/debit card.

- Reservation/contracting in person at the office: cash (with the limits established by law) and/or credit/debit card.

- Deposits: always with credit/debit card.

In no case may a rental begin that has not been previously paid. At the end of the rental, the client will make any outstanding payments, if applicable (excess kilometers, fuel level, etc.).

Star Rent a Car accepts major credit cards such as Amex, Visa, Diners, Mastercard, etc.


The rental price stated in the rental contract, as well as any coverage, limitations of liability, additional equipment, complementary services, applicable taxes and fees are due and paid at the beginning of the rental. In leases for periods longer than 30 days, the expirations will always occur at the beginning of each period. In relation to reservations with a prepaid rate, the rental price, as well as the other agreed amounts, will be paid when making the reservation and will be charged to the valid payment method that the lessee communicates in the reservation.

The lessee will be in default on the day following the expiration of the corresponding payment obligation, without any requirement being necessary. In case of default, the lessor may demand, in addition to the amount owed increased by three points based on the legal interest of the money, the expenses incurred by him in claiming the amount owed and derived from the contract made.

The lessee irrevocably authorizes the lessor and its authorized collection agent to deduct from the means of payment presented at the time of the conclusion of the rental contract or subsequently provided by the lessee in accordance with current law, all amounts and charges derived from the rental of the vehicle and all other rights related to the rental contract, both those included in the rental contract and those that are calculable in accordance with the provisions of these conditions and in the List of Additional Charges. The tenant must grant the landlord the corresponding authorization using a bank card issued in his name.


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